Affiliate Disclosure

Find the cheapest flights and expert air travel advice at, trusted by travelers worldwide for all your flight needs!
At, we’re dedicated to enhancing your travel experiences by sharing our expertise in all things related to flights and air travel. We’re committed to delivering valuable content and recommendations, and as part of this, we participate in various affiliate marketing programs.
Understanding the Affiliate System and Affiliate Disclosure
The affiliate system is crucial for many websites focusing on travel services and accessories. This system benefits website owners, frequent travelers, and general customers. Let’s explore how the affiliate system operates in these sectors, emphasizing the importance of affiliate disclosure.
Affiliate marketing involves partnerships with companies and brands that align with our website’s air travel theme. As affiliates, we sign up for specific programs and promote products from these companies on our site through recommendations, reviews, or direct links.
Affiliate Disclosure
Affiliate Links and Conditions
When visitors click on these affiliate links and make a booking or purchase, we earn a commission from the sale. This model allows us to monetize our content while providing valuable recommendations to our audience.
Now, addressing affiliate disclosure is crucial. We are committed to transparency, informing our users about our participation in affiliate programs. This disclosure isn’t only a legal obligation in many jurisdictions; it also fosters trust with our audience. Our readers value honesty and appreciate knowing we might earn a commission on their purchases.
The affiliate system is a win-win setup that benefits many travel-focused websites. Ethical practice requires us to include affiliate disclosure and maintain transparency and trust, thus ensuring a positive and reliable user experience.
Identifying as an Amazon Associate
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
General Affiliate Disclosure may also have affiliations with other companies and brands within the travel and aviation industry. These partnerships support our website and help our team provide you with thorough travel guides, insights, and recommendations. We may receive a commission when you use our affiliate links to make purchases, though this incurs no additional cost.
We assure you that our affiliate relationships do not influence our content. Our recommendations and insights are based on our editorial team’s rigorous research, personal experiences, and a commitment to the highest editorial standards. We aim to recommend services and products that will enrich your travel experiences.
Thank you for supporting through your engagement and purchases via our affiliate links. Your support enables us to continue helping you connect with the best in air travel.
TheFlightGuy Story
To learn more about the backstory of, including our selection and review processes for travel services, read TheFlightGuy Story to dive into our history and operational insights!
Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this policy or your dealings with our website, please get in touch with us at: Email: [email protected]